As mentioned in my earlier blog http://indianmoviestvmasala.blogspot.com/2009/05/amitabh-bachchan-may-refuse-doctorate.html, about Big B asking his fans' opinion on his blog http://bigb.bigadda.com/, whether he should accept the Doctorate Honour from Queensland University, which were to be conferred on him in July. This was in view of the series of recent Racial attacks that took place upon Indian Students in Melbourne & Sydney.
Well Amitabh Bachchan has rightly taken the decision and has reacted strongly to the said racial attacks by rejecting the above mentioned an honorary doctorate.
Big B in his latest Blog has written :
"I write to you with a heavy heart on a matter that has now reached extremely sensitive proportions.
I have been reading and watching through the media the most unfortunate and violent attacks on Indian students in Australia; some of them lying in a most critical condition in hospital. I have observed with utter dismay the anguish that these incidents have caused to the families of those who have become unfortunate victims.
The Queensland University of Technology has very graciously offered only last week, to confer an Honorary Doctorate to me for my contribution to the world of entertainment.
"Under the prevailing circumstances I find it inappropriate at this juncture, to accept this decoration. My conscience is profoundly unsettled at the moment and there seems to be a moral disjuncture between the suffering of these students and my own approbation.
I have the highest respect for your illustrious Institution and wish to express my deepest regard for the recognition it bestows me with. I do not wish to offend in any manner this kind gesture by the Queensland University of Technology, but I do hope that you will understand my present feelings."
We are proud of you Amitji and appreciate your gesture.
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